E.V.O. Android and iOS App Now Available
April 18, 2018
TerraTrike and Falco Motors have released both an Android and Mac iOS App that adds even more functionality to the Rambler E.V.O.
The app allows you to review and adjust several different parameters.
- Time Riding
- Distance
- Speed
- eDrive Data
- Torque Sensor Settings
- Battery Level
- Estimated Range
- Assist Levels
- Regen Levels
The app is available through the Google Play Store for Bluetooth and ANT+.
Falco Flash 3.0TT for TerraTrike E.V.O. (Bluetooth)
Falco Flash 3.0TT for TerraTrike E.V.O. (ANT+)
And the Apple iTunes App Store for Mac iOS
Falco Flash BLE 3.0TT for TerraTrike E.V.O. (iOS)